Not much new yet, but thought I'd put up a few pics of the campus. The homework's starting to come now and the language barrier is definitely tough. Last night I wrote a summary of the preface of our textbook on electric machines. The vocab is crazy because I have to learn many new engineering terms in

English and Spanish. Things are still amazing though. I'm starting to get a sort of routine down which includes a daily breakfast of egg & refried bean burritos, complete with jalapeƱo peppers. I'm telling you it's the best breakfast ever!
Today I was super lucky because one of my classmates saw me printi

ng off some homework and told me that I had not done a bunch of drawings that I was supposed to. I hadn't heard a thing about the drawings... anyways now she's going to make sure I know what all of the homework is at the end of class, so that helps! I also had to take a quiz today that I didn't know about. Good thing it was pretty much just a review of fluid mechanics from last semester...
As you can see, the campus is beautiful and the weather is still amazing here. There are even deer, peacocks, and ducks wandering around campus!
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