Some things are just worth the effort

Running is my free time activity of choice right now, so yesterday I picked a mountain near my campus and just started running there. I arrived at the base of the mountain in about half an hour, but didn't know where the path to the summit was, so started picking random roads that were heading up. After the second dead end I asked someone and found out I was pretty much on the wrong side of the mountain. I arrived at the start of the path 1:20 after I set out and started on the way up. It was a steep and rocky path and about a 2500m climb to the summit. As I neared the top the sun began to set.

The sun set with about 500m left to go, so I saved the summit for another day and started making my way down. I got back to residence about 4:30 hours after I set out, exhausted, hungry, and dehydrated, but with some killer pictures. Some things are just worth the effort.
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