Saturday, January 21, 2006

Equipo de Atletismo - parte 2

Brrrrr. It was cold today. I think it went all the way down to 10C or 12C. I even had to wear my windbreaker... ;) I spent most of the day at the track watching my teammates compete. Despite full cloud cover I still somehow got a sunburn. Afterwards we went to a buffet restaurant where I just about put the restaurant out of business I think. Buffets must grimace when they see a forty person athletic team come to their doors.
Here's a pic of most of our team. These guys keep me sane! It seems as soon as I'm feeling down or homesick, there's a group of them driving by honking at me, or calling me to come sit with them in the cafeteria. It wouldn't be the same without you guys!

Bet you can't tell which one is me! lol...

Vamos Borregos!


Blogger RyeGuy said...

You're the dude with his hand on the chick's leg.

12:22 AM  

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