Favourite Mexican Sayings
Oye! Es tu novia no tu lonche!
"Hey, that's your girlfriend, not your sandwich!"
Ahuevo, pinche cara clacuache bodeguero!
"Well done, you freaking possum faced warehouse dweller!"
Oye! Es tu novia no tu lonche!
Last night I went out with a bunch of my international friends to an orchestra concert here in Monterrey. The crazy thing was that the conductor was my friend's dad and the pianist, his mom. They're all from Switzerland. Afterwards we went backstage and spoke with them. It was pretty funny at the start when we were trying to figure out which languages people spoke and which one would be the language of conversation. I heard at least five different languages, crazy. The concert was awesome.
It's funny how the brain works sometimes... frankly unexplainable. For instance, I realized a little while ago that I know where all of my classrooms are by the trees and bushes that I would try to grab or land on if I fell off the building.
Ok, so does anyone know why one nostril would suddenly swell up, but not the other? Seriously, all of a sudden one side of my nose is swollen and irritated and it has been all day. Could a sunburn cause this? Wow, that looks funny.
I've been so sick this week! Ick. I thought I was over it yesterday, but I think the race put me back a few days. Luckily most of the midterms are over now. One more to go on Wednesday.