I haven't had much to comment on lately as things are slowly settling in. This weekend should be fun though as tomorrow morning I'm going running with my friend Kike at a place called Chipinque. I'm also hoping to explore dowtown Monterrey a bit too at a place called the barrio antiguo.
My Spanish is definitely

improving, well at least I'm able to understand a lot more. Speaking ability is still coming slowly. The professors are starting to ask me questions in class now... did I mention my class sizes are like 9 - 25 students? It's fantastic, but it's definitely hard to respond, especially in my class modelación dinámica because although the course is in Spanish, the textbook is in English, so I have to remember the answer in English and then translate to Spanish quick... but usually not so quick.
I love this campus! There's always something going on

in the center. One day there was a string quartet playing classical music, and another day a group of break dancers. There always seems to be some sort of club advertising what they do too.
I think some of the exchange students are getting hit pretty hard with culture shock now. So far I've been lucky enough not to be too lonely or wanting of familiarity or anything, but I think one of the main reasons is being on the track team. At our orientation sessions they said that everyone goes through culture shock at one point or another. I guess we'll see. For now I'm loving it here and wish the days weren't going by so fast!
"And this is how I choose to live,
as if I'm jumping off a cliff...
knowing that you'll save me."
- Relient K