I forgot to say in my last post that I am now 23, and will be for the next three years. Just to let everyone know.
I forgot to say in my last post that I am now 23, and will be for the next three years. Just to let everyone know.
Do you ever have one of those days where everything seems to be good, even if it all doesn't quite fit into place? That's today. I don't even have anything particular to write about. crazy. Well maybe I do, but I'm not going to.
This one's for my grandma and grandpa because they're my biggest fans, and I likewise am their biggest fan.
PS. thanks for helping me with my german homework... the exam's next week, ah!
PPS. Ryan, in regards to a repeat of the hangman, it's not the entrance, it's the exit I'm worried about. ;)
I think this picture is awesome, so I had to put it up on this blog. It's not from Mexico, but rather from Vancouver Island.
Enough said about that...
Things in Mexico are trudging right along. Next week are the first partial exams. It's hard to believe we're already four weeks into courses. It seems like I should have time to get enough studying in, but it's the 10 page paper on the history of the conflict between the liberals and conservatives in 19th century mexico... in Spanish... that worries me.
Tomorrow is the time trial for the 1000m. I'm hoping to pull out a 2:35, which seems pretty reasonable for this time of season, but I haven't been running very well this week. It's been pretty hard to keep hydrated.
The cellphone culture here has been really bothering me. To start with, I'm totally anti-cellphone, but it's nuts here. Today a guy answered his phone in class, and walked out of the room to talk, making the professor move out of his way without saying a word of excuse in the process. Somehow, that's acceptable here because the professor let him back into class without saying a word.
I should end off on a positive note, so this is a shout out to fresh mangos, la botanera salsa, and enerflakes... what would I do without you enerflakes?
Mexico is definitely a land of contrasts. Now, this may be mainly from my perspective, since I tend to stick out pretty bad. Pretty much everyone calls me guero (blondy) except the track team which calls me tlacuache (possum - long story). Today these contrasts just seemed a bit more apparent though. For instance, in the parking lot parked beside a new VW was, no jokes, a wooden cart, complete with donkey to pull it. Then there's also the food... jalapeƱos to burn your mouth and horchata to sooth it.
I can't believe the summer went by so quickly! Still, it is great to be back in Mexico, with all of my friends from last semester, and class and training just about to start tomorrow. It's at least 35 C here right now, which is a bit of a shock to the system considering it was 12 C in Lloydminster the day I left. The Spanish is coming back rather quickly, but there are definitely moments when I have no idea what's going on again. I forgot how hard it was to always speak Spanish. The good thing is that I think this semester I should be able to advance to the point where I think in Spanish.